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Bluebird Montessori Preschool

About Us
"As long as there are bluebirds, there will be miracles, and a way to find happiness."
- Shirl Brunnel, I Hear Bluebirds, 1984
At Bluebird Montessori, we believe that the most essential component to successful learning and retention is Maria Montessori's assertion that learning should be joyous -- best symbolized by the "bluebird of happiness." Joyous, experiential learning in the formative years helps children discover their individual talents and interests, while inspiring a lifelong passion for learning. Through the safe exploration of the world around them (and the loving support of their teachers!), children continually reach new levels of independence, a trait which Maria Montessori demonstrated is essential to self-confidence and success. While independent exploration builds on individual interests and skill sets, regular peer-to-peer learning simultaneously helps foster and reiterate respect for others.
Bluebird Montessori Preschool enrolls children aged 18 months-6 years. For more information on our programs and classrooms, click here.